IDECO Heavy Equipment kft
Szabadság utca 75
7918 Tótújfalu
+36 70 522 1235
Engineering Company
Steel Industry
Material Handling
Minerals & Mining
IDECO Mining and Metallurgy Inc.
Str. Depoului, nr. 16
Ploiesti, Jud. Prahova
100335 Romania
+40 75 368 2658
Zetko-DKV Technik (India) Pvt. Ltd. together with Zetko Technologies LLC USA (formerly ZETKO MACHINENBAU GmbH, Germany) manufactures and supplies:
Telescopic Boom, De-Bricking Machine,
Exclusive tapo hole rennewal machines for converter
EAF-EBT demolition and renewal machine
Machine for ladle / converter mouth jam cleaning, refractory demolition and complete demolition of ladle and converter
Multipurpose refractory demolition machine for de-bricking and tap hole drilling operation
Robotic demolition machine
Slag raking machine
Stationary EBT machine
Pneumatic and hydraulic hammer / breakers & many other attachments for multiple operation
Blast furnace hearth cleaning machine
Torpedo ladle mouth jam cleaning, refractory demolition and complete demolition machine
Refractory wrecking machines for non ferrous metal production plants
for all standard wheel-base or tracked hydraulic excavators.
Zetko machines are based on the renowned "Zimmermann-design-center" in Germany, which has been used throughout the world for over 25 years.
Zetko machines are for quality sale and not quantity.