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IDECO Heavy Equipment kft
Szabadság utca 75
7918 Tótújfalu
+36 70 522 1235
Engineering Company
Steel Industry
Material Handling
Minerals & Mining
IDECO Mining and Metallurgy Inc.
Str. Depoului, nr. 16
Ploiesti, Jud. Prahova
100335 Romania
+40 75 368 2658
WOKO offers excellent magnets for the transport of wire coils. Both, single or multiple wire coils can be transported simultaneously.
The magnet housing consists of a robust welded construction with double straps.
When using two or multiple magnets, the magnets are attached to fixed, short or telescopic beams. Magnets with moveable lifting gears, e.g. attached to a beam, adapt itself to the bend of the load.
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