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IDECO Heavy Equipment kft
Szabadság utca 75
7918 Tótújfalu
+36 70 522 1235
Engineering Company
Steel Industry
Material Handling
Minerals & Mining
IDECO Mining and Metallurgy Inc.
Str. Depoului, nr. 16
Ploiesti, Jud. Prahova
100335 Romania
+40 75 368 2658
WOKO developed a Quick Coupling Magnet with an autonomous Diesel Drive to ensure an independent power supply.
Thus, loss of performance of the carrier equipment is completely eliminated. Wherever there is no continuous power supply to the electromagnet ensured, the magnet with integrated diesel engine is a very valid option.
The magnet with integrated power supply can be easily connected to all popular quick-coupling systems.
The magnet is easily operated via a radio remote control
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